Place of interest

1.5. The Church of Sant Miquel

The current Church of Sant Miquel, dedicated to Sant Pere in the 14th century, is the last vestige of the construction activity by Ermengol, Bishop of La Seu d’Urgell in the 11th century. The Church has a single nave with a transept in the chancel from which three semicircular apses open out. The current ceiling is the result of a Gothic reform; with wooden beams supported on diaphragm arches. The transept itself is covered with a barrel vault.

In the 14th century, when the Dominicans moved their convent to the inside the walls of La Seu d’Urgell, their church was built on the site of the former Romanesque church of Sant Miquel. From that moment on, the old dedication to Sant Pere was replaced by a dedication to Sant Miquel, by which the church, built by Bishop Ermengol, is known today.

At the beginning of the 15th century, it sponsored the construction of a magnificent Gothic altarpiece dedicated to Sant Miquel and Sant Pere, which covered the entire span of the central apse. By Bernat Despuig and Jaume Cirera, the work is now in the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, together with the previous Romanesque mural paintings that had decorated the apse when the Church was still dedicated to Sant Pere. The pictorial scheme was presided over by an outstanding Christ Pantocrator.

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