Place of interest

15. The Church of La Immaculada

The main façade of the Church of La Immaculada forms the western side of Placeta de les Monges, located above the Plaça del Carme.

On the initiative of the Bishop from Urgell, Simeó de la Guinda y Apeztegui, in 1722 a convent was founded in La Seu d’Urgell belonging to the Orde de les Religioses de Nostra Senyora de la Companyia de Maria. The nuns had to take responsibility for the education of children in the diocese.

The church of the convent, consecrated in 1730, has a Greek cross plan with four arms covered with a barrel vault, joined at the transept in a semi-spherical cupola with a central lantern. In the upper part of the side arms are open galleries covered with wooden lattices in order to preserve the enclosure of the nuns during religious services.

In 2003 the convent ended its activity and a thorough renovation took place with the church being converted into a space for public use.

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