Place of interest

6. Cal Roger

Along with Ca l’Armenter, this is one of the most notable buildings in the street. It is located round about the middle and has a ground floor and three upper floors. The main entrance is located within a porticoed space defined by four octagonal columns with capitals showing various decorative elements, among them some rosettes and a little demon on the interior side. The main entrance features a large doorway set into a pointed voussoir arch, which features three sculpted shells, one on the keystone of the arch and the other two on the springers, or bottom-most arch stones.

Traditionally, the presence of shells carved on the façade would make one think that the building had been a pilgrims’ hostel. However, the most likely hypothesis is the one that connects the building with a bishop’s residence built by Bishop Hug DesBac (1352-1361), whose coat of arms bears a shell.

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